
Oh so timely

I have a new student in my class. He started last week.

At circle on Friday I was prepping the kids for our day off Monday. One child brought in a notepad with presidents on it so I told them what President's Day is and showed them pictures of Lincoln and Washington and told them George W. Bush is our current president (also had a picture).

This led one child to talk about voting. So they all shared going in the voting booth and pressing buttons for their parents. ("My mom voted for the girl and my dad voted for the boy.")

Nothing quite captured the political state of this country more than my new child, dutifully raising his hand, waiting his turn, three years old:

"We don't like George W. Bush's policies in my house."

Ah, yes, the ever-honest Montessori parents. Thank you for making my job easier.


Blogger starrhillgirl said...

Is that my boy you are talking about? The best looking child in your class? The one with the hot (and smart) mom?

7:15 PM  

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