
First Day in the Star Room!

Today was the first day back at the Montessori School of Charlottesville. This meant a lot of firsts for me. First day at Cutler Lane meeting children and parents, first day in a primary classroom, first time giving lessons to children after the learnin', aaaaand so on.

I can confidently say it was a wonderful day. Debbie (my head teacher), told me the classroom was fussy today because all of the children were so eager to have lessons and try out all the work, but I had no expectations and I thought it was lovely.

About half of the children came today; a mix of the older returning students and new three year olds.

I felt incredibly awkward at first, not really understanding how things operated at Cutler Lane and trying to figure out just how to keep a child interested in my lessons.

I am madly in love with the Star Room children already and there are still 50% to come!


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