Ain't it cute?
I love this. And really only because it's extremely adorable; I think a lot of babies could do this (though they may not say John Kain-ne-dee quite so cute and clearly). But, seriously, how old is this child? That's a lot of language for a little bit of hair...
Hear it now, my actual children will also be geniuses on YouTube one day, naming people like Martin Luther King, Maria Montessori, Gandhi and Woodie Guthrie--so that's one lofty expectation for them down, thank you. (Although maybe it's the memorizing of these old men's faces that makes naming presidents so cute...not to mention the early introduction of blissful president worship.) Wonderful. I should film Corey's toddlers naming different primates and post their genius-butts on YouTube. Maybe they will be picked up for a t.v. commercial too!