
It's Only Logical

L: Miss Ida, R called S hateful. And that wasn't nice. That was meanful.

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Ah, the Wisdom...

After a walk outside....

Me: Man, my arms are itchy.

R: It's from lying in the grass.

W: Yup, grass'll do that to ya, Miss Ida.


(And both of them said it to me so matter-of-fact. I love this relationship with the children. We collaborate together and talk to each other as equals, always remembering respect, kindness and love. They weren't afraid to explain my itchy arms and I was grateful for their help.)

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That's What I Always Say...

After losing playground time:

"But that was Myself that did that. And I told it I didn't want it to do that but Myself did it anyway."

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I Saw Star Trek

and it was amazing....

Also this video made me squeeeee a little:

My name is Ida and I'm a geek.

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Find me here...

I've been blogging. ::for someone else::


It's Those Darn Fruit Cups

After the third trip to the bathroom in 20 minutes...

"What??! I ate too much!!"

I'm sure it has *nothing* to do with this being nap time.

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Upon a Slender Stalk

A wonderful, elderly volunteer came to class last week to share with the children a "science experiment" with Lily of the Valley.

It took about 10 minutes and she gave a little presentation, asking the children to help: first smelling the flowers, then asking to give me some to put in water, then placing some in a jar of liquid blue ink (where she found the blue ink, I don't know!). The children were captivated and a few even correctly guessed what would happen.

Before she was leaving, I asked her to tell the children the name of the flowers. And then she said "When I was in Girl Scouts, I learned a song..."

Wait!!...And we sang:
White coral bells upon a slender stalk
Lily of the Valley deck my garden walk
Oh how I wish that you could hear them ring
That will happen only when the fairies sing
She was thrilled and asked if we knew it as a round. (I tried to teach them once but it was a disaster. E, one of the third year children, thinks she can lead one half of the class and me the other and that it will happen. Sweet children.)

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Happy Earth Day!

The Unity Class children love the Earth. So Earth Day was no big surprise to them.

(And, yes, a lot of it probably has to do with their eco-lovin' Mamas and their Outbacks and Priuses, trunks full of reusable grocery bags and bins of aluminum cans and 1 and 2 plastic. But at least they're listening!)

We call ourselves peacekeepers and Earth Savers.

...also, there's life in the fig tree:

Apparently repeated attempts to climb and twisting of an exposed root do *not* kill a fig tree!

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